Nuer Along The Nile & In The Centre Of The Sudan

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All Tribal Groups Both In The South Sudan | North Sudan

All Tribal Groups In The Whole Country Have Something In Common!

The North-South Relationship!

The lists of the known tribal groups in the whole Sudan are from 1-9 categories below. But this list is not exhausted as I cannot claim to know all the tribes in the country. The relationships between the diversity entirely depend on the individuals’ views, political, culture, interests, and religious orientation which reflect the reality of today’s life. It is not, however, for the Bridge Fund Management to define the North-South Relationship as it stands today as evidence of the Sudanese unity or division in their diversity. Despite that, you will find someone everywhere you went, who claimed to be from a particular tribal group but admittedly that he does not knows the culture of their group nor speaks their language either because some might have been converted or assimilated to the mainstream’s society. Nevertheless, all the groups cut across the Country from Upper Nile To Equatoria and from the Equatoria to Bahr el Ghazal or from Wadi Halfa to Nimuli and from Kurmuk to Jinēna. The Nilo-Saharan Group (☼), of which the Eastern Sudanic (♀) is a sub-group, constitutes somewhere between 34% – 64% of the total identities of Sudan before the cessation, and that number was significantly reduced after the cessation. The Eastern Sudanic sub-group (♀) was believed to constitutes somewhere between 32% – 44%. This number is also reduced after the cessation. The Niger-Kordofanian Group (♂) constitutes somewhere between 22% – 32%, which also reduced after the cessation, whereas the Afro-Asiatic Group (☺) constitutes only 04%. Although the populations of these ethnic identities are proportionately reversed, the issue of natural under the laws, however, is not a question of how much is the population of any ethnic group!’ All ethnic groups should be entitled to equal rights in matters pertaining to culture, education, economic, and general development regardless of whether their population number is small or big. That is why we campaign for the crossing | opening bridges to be built along the river Nile in Koo | Greater Upper Nile regions to serve 4-7 million populations. These regions were greatly affected by the civil wars that raged for over thirty years as the war was confined to these regions all these years before it spreads to other areas for several reasons, chief of which is the oil – refinery in Western Nuer and partly because it was the only corridors to Itang where millions who fled war took refugeed there; and, where the Any-Any II movement later renamed as SPLA/M became effective in their operations. If there were to be any reparation and road development for any tribal groups who had been affected by the liberation war, and for the lifeline, it should start in these regions. But lack of resources and lack of a political will has forced us to do something about it. So, we appealed to you to do your bit to help us raising the emergency funds to build crossing | open bridges in Koo | G.U.N along the river Nile in these regions. The reason where we want only the crossing | opening bridges in these regions is that we want the passenger ship such as Wadi Halfa, Nimule, and the steamer to still cruise the river Nile for the commercial purpose and tourism even though it is not the choice for the public transports for the local people because it tends to take a long time to arrive and reaches its destinations.







1. Middle Sudan:

  • ☺ Arabic Colloquial   ☺Arabic Standard
  • ♀Meroitic       ♀Old Nubian  ☻All

2. Eastern Sudan:

  • ☺Arabic         ☺Bedaweyit   ♂Fulani
  • ☼Fur               ☺Hausa          ♀Meroitic
  • ♀Nobiin          ♀Old Nubian  ☺Tigrey
  • ☺Tigrinya

3. Northern Sudan:

  • ☺Arabic         ♀Dongolese    ♀Kunūz
  • ♀Meroitic        ♀Nobiin          ♀Old Nubian

4. The Nuba Mountains and Kordofan:

  • ♀Affitti           ♀Aka              ♀Ama
  • ☺Arabic         ♂Dagik          ♀Dair
  • ♀Daju             ♀Delenj           ♀Dinka
  • ♂Eliri              ♂Fulani           ♂Garme
  • ♀Hugairat    ♀Ghulfān        ♀Haraza
  • ☺Hausa          ♂Heiban          ♀kadaru
  • ♂Kanga           ♀Karko           ♂Katcha
  • ♂kadugli         ♂Katla            ♂Keiga
  • ♂Kawalib        ♂Kau              ♂Korongo
  • ♂Lafofa          ♂Laru              ♀Liguri
  • ♂Logol            ♂Lumun          ♀Meroitic
  • ♂Moro            ♂Ngile            ♀Old Nubian
  • ♀Shatt             ♂Shuway        ♂Tagoi
  • ♂Talodi           ♀Tese              ♀Temain
  • ♂Tima             ♂Tingal           ♂Tocho
  • ♂Togole          ♂Torona          ♂Tulishi
  • ♂Tumma         ♂Utoro            ♀Wali
  • ♂Warnag         ☼Yulu

5. Dar Fur:

  • ☺Arabic         ☼Bargo           ♀Baygo
  • ☼Berti            ♀Birgid           ♀Berno
  • ♀Daju             ☼Fongoro       ♂Fulani
  • ☼Fur              ☺Hausa          ♀kanuri
  • ☼Masalit         ♀Meroitic        ♀Midob
  • ♀Old Nubian  ♀Sungor          ☼Zaghawa

6. Bahr al-Ghazāl:

  • ☼Ajja              ☺Arabic         ♀Daju
  • ♀Dinka           ♂Feroge          ♂Fulani
  • ☼Gula             ☺Hausa          ♂Mangayat
  • ♀Meroitic        ☼Mittu           ♀Njalgulgule
  • ♀Old Nubian  ☼Sinyar

7. Equatoria:

  • Abukeia       ♀Acholi          ☺Arabic Std.
  • ☺Arabic Juba ♂Bai               ☼Baka
  • ♂Banda           ♀Baria             ♀Belanda Bor
  • ♂Belanda Viri ☼Bongo          ♀Dongotono
  • ♂Homa           ♂Indri             ☼Jur
  • ♀Kachipo        ♀Kakwa          ☼Kaliko
  • ☼Kresh           ♀lango             ♀Lokoya
  • ♀Lopit            ☼Luluba         ♀Luwo
  • ☼Ma´adi         ♀Mundari       ♀Meroitic
  • ☼Mo´da          ☼Morokodo   ☼Moru
  • ♂Mundo         ♂Ndogo          ☼Njamusa
  • ☼Molo            ♀Old Nubian  ♀Otuho
  • ♀Shilluk          ♀Suri             ♀Tennet
  • ♀Thuri             ♂Togoyo         ♀Toposa
  • ♂Zande

8. Upper Nile:

  • ♀Anuak          ☺Arabic         ♀Atuot
  • ☼Beli              ♀Didinga        ♀Dinka
  • ♀Jumjum         ♀Lokoro         ♀Longarim
  • ♀Mabaan        ♀Meroitic        ♀Murle
  • ♀Nuer             ♀Old Nubian  ♂Tumtum
  • ☼Uduk

9. Blue Nile, Funj and Ingassana:

  • ☺Arabic         ☼Berta            ♀Burun
  • ♂Fulani           ☼Funj             ☼Gumuz
  • ☺Hausa          ♀Ingassana     ♀Kelo
  • ☼Komo          ♀Meroitic        ♀Molo
  • ♀Old Nubian  ☼Opuuo





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