Past Events

Crisis After Crisis!

Every country must have someone who assumed the responsibility of the whole country even though he might not be in control. And Sudan is no different. But all the predecessor administrations and their successors have had failed to build the crossing bridge in the populated regions of Koo | Greater Upper Nile. Because they always engaged the local population in all kinds of conflicts instead of developments. Even after the cessation of the South, the current regimes had started another war which caused a million lives which were used as an excuse not to find any money to build the bridge.

During the civil war which lasted for over four decades, the population in these regions had been trapped in a vicious circle: of stricken poverty, chronic diseases, and extreme insecurity, which resulted in unimaginable chaos as the whole population are dispossessed, displaced, demoralized, frightened and there are no obvious ways to help them than the inadequate short-term relief supplies which come to them through the airs’ lifts because the whole country is landlocked. Now, poverty does not only rule their world, but it also threatens the very foundations of this fragile independence and order of their society.

The bridge will slash the travel time by more than 80% and it will save millions of lives, improves security, ease movement of goods and people, and reduce the transit times considerably thereby strengthen the business and the trade of the tribes with each other and with the outside world and reinvented new trade facilitation and economic growth and development.

Considering this and in line with current acute problems facing the most vulnerable populations in these landlocked regions, we appeal to everyone to make a one-off donation online. Once we raised enough that is required to do the work, we will immediately start to construct these bridges in Koo | Greater Upper Nile within 12 – 18 months’ time limit and with minimum costs. And we promised it will be a one-off fundraising event that will not be repeated.

Events During Campaign


08PM -12AM


12 PM – 02 AM



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