Our Services

Our Services

Our objectives are to raise sufficient funds to build the crossing | opening bridges in Koo and other spotted areas marked as dangerous to cross the river Nile. There have been long experiments, discussions, and numerous assessments on how to reduce the death, save lives and to mitigate the impact of changing river volumes and different floodplain terrain in experimental trials with the designers of the bridges, civil engineers, architects, and road builders in these regions. Unlike the other two regions, Greater Equatoria, and Bahr el Ghazal, Koo and most of the Greater Upper Nile is the low land regions which explained why every year millions of people were reported as missed or risked their possessions or drowned amid crossing the River Nile. 

Our Intended Services


We intend to construct the crossing | opening bridge in Koo | Greater Upper Nile to reduce death, save lives and slashed the travel time between the west-bank and east-bank of the River Nile.


There have been too many rains in these regions most times of the year which added to the wildest “upstream” to River Nile at different flow rates and to different potential flood conditions. For the past fifty years, various social and political groups and governments had recommended the bridges to be built in Koo | other areas in Greater Upper Nile to save millions of lives of people. Though these regions are total landlocked, the engineers’ and the architects’ assessments say that with the present advanced technology this project will cost less, and the three pieces of works will be delivered and completed within estimated timescales approximately from 12 -to- 18 months, according, of course, the availability of the machinery, labor forces and sufficient funds needed to complete the task.