Building Bridge Is What We Do To Make A Different!
Animals Migrations!
- People have emigrated to another world in search of new opportunities and security which have never tackled their problems!
- The best policy is to keep people in their lands.
- Reasons Against Moving To Another Country:
- The moment you left, your family behinds become vulnerable and your land might be occupied by other people.
- You will be discriminated against for the rest of your life.
- You will not find the one you love to marry and raise a happy family.
- Learning a new language is tough and time is always against you.
- Education is not free and you will always face obstacles to achieve it.
- Career is even harder because they will treat you as second-rate.
- You will lose a sense of being somebody. Nobody will value you than your family, friends, and community, which you will never find in another place.
- You will have countless trouble in fitting it.
- It is too expensive to move into another world.
- You will never be given an opportunity to discover your talent and potential because you are not a member of their households or slaves and you will be treated worst than the slaves or animals.
- Cultural barriers and gaps are unbeatable.
- It will get worse as you grow older.
- Going abroad for a short period is hugely beneficial. Provided you are a keen learner who read things and studies their ways of life.
- These are just a few things to bear in mind but there are a lot of things that I do not have time nor space to explain to you.
Studies | Solution To The Problems!
Every study that was carried prior to this project concluded that there was no easy solution to the problem. But they recommended the construction of the bridge that will connected the people who live on other side of the River Nile.
Imagine, if you gave some money to some NGOs and World Food Programs a few years ago, will you go and see where your money had been spent? Of course, not. But if you help to build these bridges, it will be there for you and your children and your grandchildren to come and see it. And the people in these regions are incredibly kind and they will be treated you like a saviour. If we succeed, the population of these regions will have the one thing that everyone needs than the short-term food supply because it will provide the security, and help them to trade with each other and the outside world and you will be proud of that achievement. But if we fail then there is nothing for you to remember and there is no telling what the population will do.