Land mobility or transportation by land is nowhere to be found in the landlocked regions.

There is no place where you can find any kind of transport for commercial or for the public who may commute from one place to another.






Every newly independent country, particularly the landlocked regions like the south (Koo | Greater Upper Nile) is supposed to have comprehensive plans for its transportation system and started on the first phase of its development to implement those plans, which can be divided into three or along several axes. The first is between urban transport, the second is the inter-urban transport between the regions, and the third is the international transport that relates to all the trading partners (6-8 neighbors). Each of these categories of transport challenges manifests in different ways and impacts different parts of the transport equation.  The other axis would be between freight and personal transportation. Within each of these categories, the topics of transport efficiency, availability, affordability, and sustainability; quality of transport infrastructure; border crossings; safety and security issues while in transit; and other challenges that exist must be the priority. But as you can see in the picture below, people were marched on foot for their lives and when they reached the mighty infested River Nile, they do not only risk losing their possessions and livestock, but they risked losing lives as it had happened countless time in the past and still happening to present days.