Discover Our Story



We are Naath | Nuer, there is nothing to be ashamed of that. Our Land and its people have been ripped and devastated by the layers of the invaders, during the war and after the war. This is neither secret nor doubted. And we know who did it!

The Reasons | The Current Problem | The Solution:

When you travel from the East to the West of the country, or from the South to the North for more than 8000 miles distance, I can ensure you that you will find no single usable road or bridge at any time of the year because there has never been any sort of the development for 500 years in these populated landlocked regions.

When there is a war, our land will be used as a battlefield. As seen on the picture left. After the genocidal conflicts between those who took armies to defence their motherland along side the outlaws and those on the government side in which they killed and maimed many millions of innocents civilians. After a brief period of tranquillity, they have come again and again under the pretext of that they were hunting the rebels and the rebels, on the other hand would say they were hunting for the soldiers who came by their villages in the amid these operations the both sides were more likely to inflict considerable and irreparable damaged to the civilian population.


When there is a wave of peace, our land would be used as a hunting ground.

And when there is a business boom, our land would still be used to extract natural resources and for recruiting cheap labor.

If you assessed the situations in the regions now and their root causes, you would come to the same sad conclusion as I have that there will be no better time than now in which to address some of these recurrent acute situations which had been ignored for too long as the long-term causes of many of their problems. I am simply asking you to help us raise sufficient funds to build crossing bridges for the millions of people and animals in these regions and you will be amazed how much it will drastically mitigate their crises in many ways that you could not imagine before. I reiterated to you that this is the first thing everyone needs in these regions .than anything else.


Everybody will benefit from the bridge even the natives and livestock, who were often attacked by the crocs.



If you wanted us to have a glimpse of hope for a better future, life expectancy, education, job, and better security in these landlocked regions, and do not want us to have a long-term dependency on handouts from the outsiders, for the next donkey’s years to come, then, you must stop mourning about it, the endless crises that facing our people on daily basis but do something now about it.

It’s all in your hands how to change this situation on the ground. One project could change and or mitigate the causes of the crises in Koo, and other surrounding areas in Greater Upper Nile to save millions of lives of people. Even though these regions are totally landlocked, the engineers’ and the architects’ assessments say that with the present advanced technology this project will cost less, and the three pieces of works will be delivered and completed within an estimated 12-18 months. The project intends to raise sufficient amounts of $US dollars. And the bridge will not only slashed the travel time between West banks and East bank and Central, and other surrounding regions but also drastically mitigate all other crises, improved security, increase trade, and will reduce the people’s dependency on handouts. Visit the website and make your contribution to the project.

You can help us now to raise sufficient funds that will be used to build these crossing bridges at the River Nile until we make these regions a better place for a human being to live in. And I can ensure you that it is the only thing that will make a huge difference on a spot than any food relief that you will be immensely proud of.


Some Drastic Proposals for an End to the Miseries for the millions of people in these regions.

There is admitted to some common ground between all the parties and donors who have been feeding these people for the past three decades or so. There an existing an acknowledged agreement between the various opinions represented the international donors and in the political life and social life and the measures arising out of them that there must be something to be done to reduce the chronic diseases and miseries of these people, even if it takes a dollar to do it.

I will take you back to one memorable moment when there was an unexpected change of the government in Ethiopia; whereas several millions of displaced people, who took refuge there were forced to fled back to their territories amid the civil war. Among them were hundreds of thousands of child-minors who were being looked after and lived under United Nation Protections. While they were under the care of many NGOs such as the UNICEF, International Red Cross, and many others. They were utterly convinced that these child-minors would become the next generation of child-soldiers as they were already being targeted by the various factions and groups and they agreed unanimously to take them back to their families. The UN spent millions of US dollars in hiring at least four huge air cargoes in just a few days in transporting not even all of them but just some of them – about just over ten thousand of these child-minors from one place to another particularly from the Eastern bank of the River Nile to the Western bank of the River Nile. These air cargoes were so expensive and so huge. On each flight, each plane took at least 500 passengers – child-minors such as Super Guppy and big air- cargoes without seats inside them because they were used for airdropping the foods to some of these displaced people in the regions. Why would they spent millions of US dollars in hiring the planes to transport these child-minors by airs, if they could just transport them by land, which was 100 times cheapest than the airs transports? Simply, because there was no single bridge road in the whole region of Greater Upper Nile to cross the River Nile. You could not deny this simple fact because I was not only among these child-minors at the time when they were transporting them, I was the one and the only one from the UK, who was in charge at the time in transporting them. And you know what, after I returned to school in England, after all these years, all these NGOs, UNICEF, World Food Program, and many other international bodies and local NGOs are still depending on the air’s transports for relief supplies and for transporting their personnel and lifted wounded civilians and sick people from one place to another.

You could not fail to support this “Bridge Fund Project” because it is not only vital both in the short term and long-term, but you also know the situation well. You have been contributing billions of US dollars to the UN and other NGOs over the past decades to feed these people.

It is a time to do something different that will drastically be mitigating their miseries, if not overnight but at least over the coming months and years. And we will not only be grateful for your support and understanding, but we will also pay back every single penny to you in a million different ways that you could not afford to refuse or lost.

Trade | Security | Bridge Road | Mobility Is Everything!




Huge crowds gathering to celebrate the opening of their bridge! Our People could do the same once it is built!

Now, you heard our stories, so what are you waiting for? We need some action now! We think your contribution will make a huge difference. First thing first! We set up the Bridge Fund Management (BFM) to build two bridges at the Eastern, Central, and Western Nuer’s River Nile that will immediately save the lives of 4-5 million population in these regions. Once the fund is secured, in the next few months, with the aid of the hi-tech, and best professional bridge builders in the world, we can assure you that we can build these bridges concurrently and complete them within less than twelve months. We promised to be efficient, professional from the outset and completed this project with minimum cost and within a short span of time. So, next time you are on a short break from your work, you can come and visit to see it for yourself, the results of our work and how much your (moneys) contribution makes a huge difference to millions of people in these regions for the years to come. Bear in mind that this is the first thing everyone needs in these places than anything else.

How many urgent appeals have you seen for the extreme food shortages affecting millions of persons who have had been displaced and dispossessed by the numerous man-made crises and natural disasters in these regions over the past four decades? And how much money have you had to contribute directly and indirectly to the World Food Programs, UNICEF, Red Cross, United Nations, and other countless NGOs, who have had been supplying emergency medical aid and food relief to millions of people in these regions, who are facing the real threat of starvation? My guess is that you have done a lot to help these people because you have seen a lot.

Our Vision To Change Causes Of Crises!