Emergency Appeal

To Raise Sufficient Funds To Build Crossing | Opening Bridges In Koo | G.U.N At River Nile.








The appeal is to raise funds between £150m – £300m for Koo, Canal and Adok Bar – Sobat. Three ways to make a donations: You can either complete the form on the website and submit it in with your one-off payment or you can buy this book online through author-house, because  all the proceeds will go to the good causes – the community project for the construction of the crossing – opening bridge in Koo, Greater Upper Nile.



Emergency Appeal

The appeal to raise funds to build crossing | opening bridge in Koo | Greater Upper Nile To Slave The Travel Time Between The Westbank And Eastbanks Of River Nile.

BFM is setup to raise funds to finance feasibility study and to construct the crossing | opening bridge in Koo | Greater Upper Nile at River Nile. The objective is to slashes the travel times between West bank, East Bank, and Central, and to use the bridge as a trade route for all the users without pre-conditions. Because, in addition to the objectives above, it will save millions of lives, improves the security, ease movement of goods and people, and reduce the transit times considerably thereby strengthen the business and the trade of the tribes with each other and with the outside world and reinvented new trade facilitation and economic growth and development. Considering this and in line with current acute problems facing the most vulnerable populations in these landlocked regions, we appeal to everyone to make a one-off donation online. Once we raised enough funds that is required to do the work, we will immediately start to construct these bridges in Koo | Greater Upper Nile within 12 – 18 months’ time limit and with minimum costs. And we promised it will be a one-off fundraising event that will not be repeated.

How many urgent appeals have you seen for the extreme food shortages affecting millions of persons who have had been displaced and dispossessed by the numerous man-made crises and natural disasters in these regions over the past four decades? And how much money have you had to contribute directly and indirectly to the World Food Programs, UNICEF, Red Cross, United Nations, and other countless NGOs, who have had been supplying emergency medical aid and food relief to millions of people in these regions, who are facing the real threat of starvation? My guess is that you have done a lot to help these people because you have seen a lot. If you assessed the situations in the regions now and their root causes, you would come to the same sad conclusion as I have that there will be no better time than now in which to address some of these recurrent acute situations which had been ignored for too long as the long-term causes of many of their problems. I am simply asking you to help us raise sufficient funds to build crossing bridges for the millions of people and animals in these regions and you will be amazed how much it will drastically mitigate their crises in many ways that you could not imagine before. I reiterated to you that this is the first thing everyone needs in these regions than anything else.

Where The Funds Are Going To Be Spent On The Project!

Donate Today!